Pitter Patter
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Pitter Patter of Little Handguns

Posted February 23, 1998


Evil is good!

Without evil there would be no sci-fi movies.

Just KEEP THAT IN MIND the next time you try and build your fucking utopia.

Once again, I must include a followup, this time from Brian Cash, posted the next day:

"You did it, Professor Gustoff, you really did it!"
The Professor and young Billy stood on the hover-cart,
looking out over the sparkling, shining city.
Billy gushed, "You got rid of all disease, poverty, crime,
and injustice! It is the perfect world!"
The Professor gazed proudly at his creation: a city without
flaw, "Yes, Billy.  It took twenty five years of my life, but
I did it."
"What are you going to do now, Professor?"
Professor Gustoff raised the remote detonator and smiled, 
"Why, Billy, I think I'll do it again!" 

Brian /-|-\
You might not agree with what I have to say,
but I will defend, with your life, my right to say it.