Hick Venusians
Hick VenusiansPosted January 11, 1998 If you've ever had to climb to the top of a volcano to defend the honor of your podling, you might be a hick venusian. -catbear I have to attach Matt Skala's follow up, posted January 23rd: In article <6a8hhq$pus$2@europa.frii.com>, catbear <catbear@nexi.com.elide> wrote: >If you've ever had to climb to the top of a volcano to defend the honor of >your podling, you might be a hick venusian. You may be a greenneck if: - you own more than three travel modules... that don't run. - your podfather is your spawnuncle. - your door tunnel caves in and more than six thlugs are killed. - there is a stuffed gritlik anywhere in your house. - you consider a 14-pack and a fluxworm destructor high-quality entertainment. - your family sneeg has only one tentacle. - you have a rag for a plasma containment barrier (on a travel module that does run). - you have lost at least one psuedopod opening a freem bag. - you won't depotentiate at a confusion zone if you have an empty freem bag in the travel module. - you call your monitoring agent "Xiffu" on a regular basis. - you trim your yard fungi and find a travel module. - you can replace the glqux in your travel module without lowering your antennae. - your biggest ambition in life is to "git thet big'ole zorn. The one what flits 'round yonder, below Xixxa's storage cave..." - the scroll value of your travel module goes up and down depending on the charge in the plasma capacitors. - the best way to keep things warm is to dunk'em in the lava. - you have more than two eggmates named Xixxa or Zbnluy. - you saved lots of money on your honeymoon by going zorn hunting. - you have ever depotentiated a travel module in a sneeg. - your collection of freem bags is a tourist attraction -- "Let me lose so beautifully http://www.islandnet.com/~mskala/ Let me lick the dew from the money tree Matthew Skala Have the moms of the world all care about me Ansuz BBS At suppertime" - Odds (250) 642-7820 |