List: Presidents
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The List: Presidents 2004-2048

Posted December 15,2000

List: First Batch of Presidents of the 21st Century (and their

2004 Morthur - Championed euthanasia for the terminally ill, depressed,
and/or ugly.

2008 Hamlin - An apt congressional dealmaker plagued by sellouts and

2012 Colincoln - Well known for diverticulitis, he also abolished Geek

2020 Henson - Widely believed to be a cyborg remote-operated by his wife.

2024 Mondrison - A vibrant speaker with totally incomprehensible ideas.

2028 Human - The people's president.

2032 McKinton - The Tartan president.  Introduced haggis and kilts to 1600
Penn Av.

2033 Filler - took office when McKinton was assasinated.  No noteworthy

2036 Humpson - The second unmarried president.

2040 Clevelas - Tall, thin, willowy president from the central U.S.

2048 Qualor - Gave a nine hour inaugural speech and collapsed into a coma.

2048 Harfierce - Invaded Canada.  Then went home wondering "Why?"

-S (Random Word list source: President and Vice President surnames)