List: Cereals
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The List: Breakfast Cereals from Hell

Posted December 8, 2000

New List: Breakfast Cereals from Hell

  Hoos - Each nugget contains a tiny world for you to destroy!
  Raispy - Overbaked bran cereal can leave you hoarse.
  Granios - Puffed leavings from the seed factory.
  Assors - 100% whole unmilled oats.
  Coots - Endorsed by Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau
  Numbos - Perfect for the thrush-sufferer.
  Peaties - Bite-size clods stay soggy forever in milk!
  Wonsin - Delightfully salty noodle-based cereal.
  Kriple - You won't walk away from THIS breakfast!
  Sugarosty - Secretly developed by the maker of Ritalin.
  Jackos - Flakes with marshmallow gloves.  For ages 4-7.
  Alpharts - Leading competitor to Super Colon Blow

Bonus Cereal - Submit your own caption!
  Crunt -

-S (a Random Words production)