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List: The Latest Dog Breeds

Posted December 22, 2000

List: The Latest Dog Breeds

Chitz - Developed in Puerto Rico, known for foul temper.
Smound - Beagle derivative known for gross tonnage.
Welgian - Eastern/Western European Mix.
Needeepdog - Amphibious shorthair.
Styrie - Prime specimens are white and entirely motionless.
Japano - Inscrutable in its tacturnity.
Anarke - Even tempered but completely uncontrollable
Blands - Unremarkability at its best.
Perrie - New favorite of the Lexus set.
Poingo - Boisterous breed often used in Frisbee competition.
Bolldog - Tends to waddle, fast breeder.
Peker - Short, ugly dog will hump anything.