Sean M. Puckett

Master Software Engineer, Software Architect, Team Lead, Project Lead


Sean M. Puckett
13067 157th Court North
Jupiter, FL 33478 USA
Email: seanmpuckett(at)
Phone: Available via email.


18 years of professional software development experience with myriad platforms, industries and markets.

I am fully versed and proficient in all aspects of the software process -- requirements gathering, design, development, testing, deployment, and team/project management -- in systems ranging from assembly language real-time applications to million-user batch-mode accounting processes.

Key leadership skills:

Key architectural skills:

Key language skills:

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Experience Summary

Lead Engineer - Outr.Net, Inc - Jupiter, FL - 06/2000 - present
As a lead engineer, I am responsible for hands-on team leadership of the full-lifecycle development of applications for handheld wireless devices such as the Pocket PC/MS Smartphone, Motorola TimePort 935, PageWriter 2000x, Research in Motion (RIM) 957, and wirelessly connected Palm (VII, V with Minstrel, Qualcomm pdQ, etc). My duties include day-to-day customer relationship-building as well as systems analysis, requirements writing and deployment planning.

IT Architect - HotOffice Technologies, Inc. (defunct) - Boca Raton, FL - 11/1997 - 06/2000
I was responsible for the design and specification of all financial and analytical software processes in the company, including the corporate Intranet, the billing system, customer management systems and so on. Prior to the IT Architect position, I served as the IT development team lead managing a group of developers, a tester, and a technical writer. I was also the IT project manager for approximately six months, with estimation, scheduling and reporting duties to the executive committee.

Senior Staff Engineer - Casi-Rusco, Inc - Boca Raton, FL - 08/1996 - 11/1997
As the senior developer on the Secure Perfect team (a building access-control management tool), I was responsible for development of several significant product components.

Owner - Nexi Web Engine (defunct) - Miramar, FL - 05/1996 - 03/2000
As the owner and operator of the NEXI web engine, I created a significant computer game-oriented website (AllAbout Games) which relied on Perl/MySQL/GDBM database and web technology running on FreeBSD servers handling up to 500K page loads in a month in 1997.

Lead Systems Engineer - Coconut Code, Inc. (defunct) - Deerfield Beach, FL - 10/1994 - 08/1996
As the manager of systems development, I was responsible for the creation of a compiler and virtual machine interpreter for the company's proprietary development system. I also served as team lead of four developers for the company's FSMS 6.0 restaurant management system product. My group was responsible for a number of complex modules, including labor management, menu costing, and so on.

Owner - Albino Frog Software, Inc. - Jupiter, FL - 10/1993 - present
Design, program, and market shareware programs for the Windows 95/98/NT operating systems., including, FileHound, a WWW/FTP downloading agent; ClipHound, a system clipboard assistant; ROSCOE, a game development system and a number of successful retail release games that used it.

Co-owner - Codesmiths, Inc (defunct) - Miramar, FL - 04/1988 - 10/1993
With a partner, pitched, designed, developed and supported retail software offerings as a vendor to first-party publishers for the IBM PC, Atari 800, Commodore 64 and Apple II. Over 30 products in six years spanning games, education, and personal productivity genres.

Director of Development - Hi-Tech Expressions (defunct) - Coconut Grove, FL - 08/1985 - 04/1988
Managed 2-3 other developers in designing and coding retail software products for the IBM PC, Atari 800, Commodore 64 and Apple II. Over 10 products in three years including games, educational titles, and personal productivity products.

More details of my experience are available. Excellent references are also available.